Our Team

We welcome anyone who is willing to become part of Our Team

Lola Lhamo

Lola had a dream of creating this community since childhood. She had a vision about a place on nature with a big tree, under which all people come together, where all philosophies and religions are like branches on one tree, where there is space for open discussion, where children and adults receive creative education at the centre of conscious leadership in deep respect to our Planet Earth.

Lola started her spiritual awakening journey at the age of 9 while studying Kung Fu and Daoist practices. At 19 she discovered the works of Sri Aurobindo, the founder of Auroville, which greatly impacted her and confirmed the vision she had from childhood. At 25 Lola met Nyingma school Tibetan Lama Pema Rangrig Rinpoche, and, while building Stupa of Enlightenment at Roerich Museum, she remembered her passed lives and Dudjom Lingpa. Since then she travelled for many years continuing her studies in Yoga, Qi Gong, and Buddhist Mind Yoga in India and Nepal.

In parallel to deepening spiritual practices Lola has been successfully working in international business consultancy for leading corporations, with focus on strategy, corporate communications, and innovative turnarounds. She was the initiator of idea of creating Corporate Social Responsibility Departments to be integrated into business practice, which since then became common practice for millions of companies around the world.

Lola has Cultural Spiritual Centres in London and Bali – Mandala New Earth, New Earth Technology QUANTA Bio-Energy Centre, also travelling around the world, sharing QUANTA Energetics, integrating Yoga, Qi Gong, Sound Healing, Meditation, Reiki, Spiritual Coaching, and Light & Bio-Resonance Technology.

She aims to find that big tree from her vision, bringing all people together, in each country around the globe.

www.LolaLhamo.com www.SoundEnergyMedicine.com


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Mas Yono Buanergis Muryono

Mbahkung Buanergis Muryono, who is also called Mas Yono, Om Yono, or simply Mbah (GrandPa), was born in Jepara on October 11, 1966. Mbah graduated from the Faculty of Letters, Department of History, Letters and Philosophy Department at Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta in 1991. He has been very active in theater and cinema from childhood until now.

Mbah wrote scenarios in multiple movies, animation cartoons, theatre, and radio shows, he is also well-known actor in cinema and theatre. Please, see his full Bio here. Due to extensive experience in entertainment industry Mbah has been also taking care of Creative Sanggar Mariska / Oka Agency which has developed many talents among children and adults for the world of cinema and performing arts, since 1991 and until now.

Mbah is sadhu, yogi, spiritualist and teacher of Javanology, Universe Healing tradition of Java. Since adolescence, his poetry, short stories, and articles for adults and children have often been published in the mass media. He has been living as Sadhu for the last 10 years.

He travels extensively around Indonesia, reaching both slums and mansions, inspiring others, sharing blessings and healing. He is the initiator and spiritual teacher in multiple Ashrams of Bali.

Mbahkung is also the Chairman of the Archipelago Cultural Association.

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